Oplan Kaagapay in Brgy. Banbanon

JCI Surigao Nickel and JCI Surigao Wensie conducted relief operations in Brgy. Banbanon, Muncipality of San Francisco, Surigao del Norte on December 26, 2021 for families affected by Super Typhoon Odette (Rai).

JCI gave out relief packs to 381 families. Damage was mostly on homes and houses made of light materials. Their sources of livelihood was also damaged with fields flattened and trees felled. The packs consisted of 6L and 10L bottle of drinking water, a loaf of bread, rice, biscuits, canned goods, noodles, milk, and coffee. This came from various donors.

Your donations have come a long way in giving a quick respite from the burden of losing a home and surviving a super typhoon. When we came to the locality, the trail of destruction was everywhere. Despite losing roofs over their heads, and some, their whole homes, you can see the gratefulness in their eyes, this was coupled with the resiliency and drive to overcome the situation.

Together, we can help each other build back our lives better. A typhoon may bring us to our knees, but by reaching out our hands to those in need, we help them stand up better and stronger. That flicker of hope gives them the strength to build up their homes and lives for the next day.












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