Congratulations to Felix Venson A. Chua (Thirdie Chua), 2024 JCI Philippines National Treasurer.

We, the Surigao Nickel Brothers of JCI, are absolutely thrilled to extend our warmest congratulations on your remarkable achievement!

Your journey within JCI has been nothing short of inspiring, and your service as a beacon of leadership has shone brightly in our hearts. Your passion for positive change, your tireless efforts, and your ability to bring people together to create a better world are truly commendable.

As you take on this pivotal role as the National Treasurer, we are confident that you will continue to lead with integrity, excellence, and an unyielding passion for the mission of JCI. Your vision and determination will undoubtedly contribute to the growth and success of our organization, and we are excited to witness the positive changes you will bring to JCI Philippines.

May this new chapter in your journey be filled with success, memorable experiences, and the satisfaction of making a real difference in the lives of many. The Surigao Nickel Brothers are here to support you every step of the way!


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